Monday, June 1, 2020


Day 79

The news here is grim. In the middle of a pandemic, it is easy to forget about all of the other issues in our country and our world. And there are so many. It is depressing, maddening, sickening that we are still faced with this stark racism in this day and age.

I never really thought much about my privilege in terms of race until a few years ago when I was given a quiz explaining white privilege in an ECFE class. Since then, I have tried to be aware. Honestly, though, it was easy not to think about these things because they seemingly don't directly affect me. I would feel horrified when I heard about yet another killing of a POC in the hands of the police, but after a few days I would stop thinking about it. That ends now.  I am buying books, reading articles, and donating to organizations. I am going to do my best to truly be anti-racist. I will work to elect officials who will actually work to combat this problem. And most importantly, I am going to parent so that my kids know that racism is never okay, and that they must use their privilege for good.  They really have no idea what other people face, even though they have friends who are not white.

Ben took the kids over to Lake Street on Saturday to help clean up. I am not sure what they thought about the situation. We have had many discussions about what happened to George Floyd, and will continue to do so. Clare woke up Saturday night terrified that someone was going to break into our house. Hearing National Guard helicopters flying over our house all night was unnerving. Seeing police barricade two bridges that I drive over weekly was heartbreaking.

I heard someone speak recently about the fallacy of saying we are all in this together. We are not, she said, really in the same boat. Some of us are in a yacht, while some of us are in a row boat with a hole in it. She was talking about the pandemic, but the same could be said for so many other issues. (And it is true, even though I have a "We're all in this together" sign in my yard.)

And while all of this happens, the pandemic rages on. Clare broke down in tears yesterday, wishing she could have all of the end of year parties and events that normally take place. I feel for her, and for everyone who is missing out on important life events. We must continue to take it day by day, and do our best. And do our best to understand our privilege and use it to make changes to our broken system.

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

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