Monday, April 9, 2018

Four and a half

He refuses to sit with the moose, so here he is on Easter morning.

I'm a few days behind with this, but here we are. Christopher is 4 and a half!

Despite being no longer remotely a baby, Christopher still has the most kissable cheeks in the world. And he still lets me kiss him, so I'll take it as long as I can. He likes to snuggle, and most mornings I wake up to find him laying in bed beside me. I could do without the night time visits, but it really bothers Ben more than me, and there is something sweet about finding him there in the morning.

He is becoming more articulate and interested in words. He can spell some short words, and recognizes his name. He still says pee-pano (piano), pizz-ya and ta-gar (guitar).

Christopher loves preschool. He is learning a lot, and comes home with interesting facts for us about a variety of topics. His favorite subjects have been outer space and dinosaurs. We had a conference with his teachers a few weeks ago, and they said he is doing well. He understands the school routine and participates. They said he is more interested in talking to the teacher than any other kids, though. Apparently he'll be inventing some game, and kids will go to play with him, but he can take it or leave it if he has company. I'm glad he is so independent, and I'm sure he'll be more interested in friends as he gets older. (And he does play well with his sister and dotes on his baby cousin Otto. He and Josie love to fight and antagonize each other, but they sometimes play nicely, too.)

We found out that he was accepted at Clare's school for pre-K next year. He'll go five mornings a week, and take the bus with his big sister. He has been enjoying watching her get on the bus for three years, so I think he'll be pretty thrilled when he gets to ride it himself. And it will buy me an extra 45 minutes every day, so yay for that.

Christopher is quite a comedian, both intentionally and unintentionally. We were having Easter dinner, and Christopher was dressed as Batman, as one does. He announced to us, "I am going to save the world when I am done here." This got a big laugh, of course, so he tried a second joke which involved poop. That got a scolding. He is still trying to figure out what will land and what won't.

He enjoys performing. The other night he said to me, "We are going to put on our super hero costumes and then we will dance." He told Ben he is going to be a stage singer when he grows up, but he will still live here. Ben: "If you are going to be a professional singer, that's probably true."

Some of Christopher's current favorites: "Here We Are" by Oliver Jeffers, Richard Scarry's "Best Word Book Ever", Rescue Bots, superheros (especially Batman), pizzya, all fruit, ta-sert (dessert), the sharks at the Aquarium, the Children's Museum (especially the big slide and the lasers), dancing and singing with his guitar, bouncy houses, balls and trucks and dinosaurs, Jupiter, the "Science is Real" album by They Might Be Giants, playing Super Mario Bros, his blankie (which is not so slowly disappearing), watching golf with his Baba, all four of his grandparents in general, his cousins, and of course, his best friend and sister Clare.

Some dislikes: Scary movies or scary parts in TV shows (he covers his ears and runs around the house). And I actually can't think of anything else. He's a pretty easy going kid.

And now, my interview with Christopher, in two parts. I am trying to do this every year. It might be hard to understand, but I find it entertaining. (And you will notice that he is really into potty talk, much to my annoyance.)

1 comment:

  1. He's a cutie!!! His giggle/laugh is great. Also? Why do kids get so crazy when they know they're on video? Both my boys did this, too. I'm so glad I took those videos, though. They love watching them now. (And I'm with ya on the potty talk. We've graduated from pee and poop jokes and now everything is penis, penis, penis.)
