Sunday, December 31, 2017

Year in Review: 2017

I don't even know what to say for an introduction, so let's just dive right in, shall we?

1. What did you do in 2017 that you’d never done before?

Visited Wine Country. Served as a delegate at the DFL City Convention. Participated in a worldwide protest.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I accomplished eight of my 40 x 40 goals. (Saw a local performance of the Nutcracker, did a behind the scenes tour of the Aquarium, read East of Eden, started a college savings account for Christopher and added to Clare's, volunteered at Clare's school, baked an apple pie using my grandmother's recipe, took both kids to a movie at a movie theater, and went on our yearly friends camping trip.)

I didn't make any other resolutions, but this year I have two.

~Find a regular volunteer opportunity to do with Christopher.
~Talk about our budget on weekly basis with Ben.

3. Did anyone close to you die?

No, thank God.

4. Did anyone close to you have a child?

Yes! My sister had my new nephew Otto in November. Katie had Eero in January.

5. Where did you travel?

Fort Myers Beach, Florida; Northfield (Girls' Weekend), Whitewater State Park (Friends' Camping), Lake Itasca State Park, Gooseberry Falls State Park, Sonoma, Lake Vermillion, Cascade River State Park (Friends' Camping), La Crosse (Girls' Weekend), and several trips to Evansville.

6. What would you like to have in 2018 that you lacked in 2017?

Oh let's see, maybe a world that doesn't feel like it's falling down around me? I don't see that happening, though.

7. What dates from 2017 will remain etched upon your memory?

January 21 - the day of the Woman's March. My nephew's birthday in November.

And I think, in general, I will remember all of 2017 as just being terrible.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Hmmmmm. Let's stick with something really, really small. I finished a knitting project. (A cowl for Clare.) And I read more than 50 books.

9. Did you suffer illness or injury?

Yes. I had a procedure done and ended up with a tear in my esophagus. It sucked. (I am okay now.)

10. What was the best thing you bought?

I mostly buy stuff for the kids. Also: a plane ticket to Sonoma.

11. Whose behavior merited celebration?

My friend Heather, who is now the President of ERA Minnesota, among her many other volunteer duties. She has started doing all of this since the election. I really admire her.

Also, as every year, Ben is really my rock. I couldn't ask for a better partner, even if we annoy each other sometimes. And I can say that because I know he won't read this.

12. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?

Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and the rest of the Congressional Republicans; Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, and all of the other abusers of women; and of course He Who Shall Not Be Named.

13. Where did most of your money go?

Same as last year: Things for House and Children.

14. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

My new nephew. My trip to Sonoma with my college friends.

15. What song will always remind you of 2017?

Anything on the They Might Be Giants "Science is Real" album.

16. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?

I hate to say it, but sadder and fatter. About the same financially.

17. What do you wish you’d done more of?

Exercised and washed my face. Had date nights with Ben. Every year I say this, and every year I mean to prioritize it. Spoiler alert: I don't.

18. What do you wish you’d done less of?

Yelled at my kids.

And, because I think I need to repeat this every year, what I wrote last year and the year before and the year before that:

Worried about things that are out of my control. I think I'll wish that every year. Also: obsessed about things that have already happened. (And are therefore out of my control.)

19. How did you spend Christmas?

We hosted my parents and my sister and her family at our house in Christmas Day. We spent Christmas Eve at my sister's house. It was our usual fun: church and then lots of taco dip and wine. The kids were thrilled with their haul, including the American Girl Diner for Clare (which I found on deep discount on Cyber Monday) and a bunch of transformers for Christopher. Ben gave me an emulator to play all of the old school Nintendo games, and the promise of a weekend to myself at home.

We had a lot of festive fun this month, including Ben's family party complete with swimming at the hotel pool, a hot drinks party at my friend Sarah's, Cindi's annual Christmas party, and my office party with my friends. (Day drinking for the win!) We are spending New Year's Eve in Evansville, with VIP visitors. (My brother, sister-in-law and nephew, who flew in from London for a short visit.)

20. What was your favorite TV program?

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, The Good Place, Brooklyn 99, Master of None, and Star Trek: Discovery. (I am not ashamed to admit it.) I have also been rewatching Friends again, which is a nice distraction.

22. What was the best book you read?

My top five:

1. "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte
2. "Little Fires Everywhere" by Celeste Ng
3. "Commonwealth" by Ann Patchett
4. "Lilac Girls" by Martha Hall Kelly
5. "This is How It Always Is" by Laurie Frankel

23. What was your greatest musical discovery?

The Palace Theatre in St. Paul. (Can a place count as a musical discovery?) I saw Belle and Sebastian, The Pixies and Wilco. All great shows, and all over by 11 p.m. This is my kind of place.

24. What did you want and get?

Clare's amazing teacher. I requested him and he has more than lived up to my expectations. I am so happy that she gets to have him as her teacher for 3 years.

25. What did you want and not get?

I mean, obviously there are a million things that I wanted to go differently this year for this country and this world. However, on a purely selfish and materialistic level I'll say a new phone.

26. What was your favorite film of this year?

"Lion", "Moana" and "Lady Bird".

27. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

Ben worked late on my actual birthday, and I spent a few days sulking about the lack of celebration. Then my friends kidnapped me two days later and took me out for a surprise dinner and drinks and showered me with some lovely presents, including a beautiful bag that my friend Sarah made herself. She could seriously sell these bags. This made up for any other birthday woes. I also went out to dinner with my sister, which is always nice. I turned 38.

28. What one [or three] thing[s] would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

I say this all the time, but I would love some more time to myself. Now that Christopher is in school three days a week I have a few hours on those days. However, I am really trying to make exercise a priority so that pretty much eats up all that time.

29. What kept you sane?

Wine. Joking, sort of.

My lovely friends Kerry, Sarah, Heather and Peggy. I honestly don't know what I would do without them.

30. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Honestly, no one. I am sick of celebrities.

31. What political issue stirred you the most?

This isn't a political issue, but I want to fit this in somewhere. I was a delegate for the wonderful Melvin Carter, and HE WON the election in St. Paul. I am so excited and proud that he is going to be our next mayor.

I am also really mad at the Democrats right now, because I don't believe they handled the Al Franken situation correctly.

32. Who did you miss?

Same as last year: Christina. My grandpa. Robby and Andri.

33. Who was the best new person you met?

Christopher's preschool teachers, Sara and Machael. They are lovely. And, of course, Otto!

34. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2017.

I finally got it through my head that when I exercise regularly I feel so much better. This seems like something I should have figured out before I turned 38. Now, to make myself do it, especially since I've gained quite a bit of weight eating my feelings over the past year. I joined the Y, and I must make this a priority.

And now 2018. Brace yourselves.

Making Christmas cookies.

At the Nutcracker at St. Kate's.

His new blanket from Meema Mary Theresa.

Snow on Christmas Eve.

Christmas Eve night.

Ready for fun on Christmas morning.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

6 and a Half

Once again it is time for my yearly interview with Clare. She was entertaining as always. This year, I was most impressed with her answer to the question of what she would do if she had all the money in the world. ("Give it to other people." Credit to her teacher for that one - they talk about giving and service A LOT, which I think is great.)

So, Clare at 6 and a half. I marvel at how smart she is. I seriously believe she is smarter than I am. Or at least more logical. (I said that to Ben, and his response: "And Christopher is funnier." Nice, Ben. Nice.) She is sweet, and we have long conversations about all sorts of things.

And then there's the whining. I could do without that. Oh, and the teenage-like sass. That could go away, too.

Have you seen this comic? This is Clare, especially if she feels she has been wronged. (She will want to discuss whatever it is over and over until she convinces you that she is right.)

Some of Clare's favorites at this age: Pizza with black olives, chocolate, strawberry ice cream, drawing and painting, building with Legos, playing Minecraft, her American Girl dolls, the History Center, Noodles (the restaurant), Snuffy's, making bracelets, "My Little Pony", pink and purple, and reading all sorts of different books. She is currently working her way through "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".

Some dislikes: loud noises, still. Storms, still. And dogs, still.

The picky eating is also still a problem, but not one I really have the energy to address right now.

She'll need braces soon.

Her best friends are Natalie, Rainie, Colin, James and Nora. She also idolizes Connie, a third grader in her class. I don't think Connie feels the same way.

She and Christopher love each other dearly, but fight frequently. She thinks of her cousin Josie as a sister. She can't wait to see Bambos at Christmas, and holds Otto as much as possible.

She is taking piano lessons, doing gymnastics, and learning to swim. She might do ice skating in place of gymnastics this winter. She claims she can do the splits, but isn't quite there. However, I would have to be hospitalized if I tried to stretch as far as she can.

She can be very challenging, but she is such a good kid. I wouldn't trade her for anything.

Note: After we recorded this she leaned forward to whisper the funniest word that she refused to say in the video. "Poopybutt."  Also, sorry for the dulcet tones of My Little Pony in the background. It was the only way to keep Christopher quiet during this process.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Bits and Pieces: November

I have a new nephew! Otto was born in early November. The kids are very excited about "the baby brother" as they keep calling him, and I am excited to have a baby to snuggle that is not my own.

The other big thing this month was, of course, Thanksgiving. We hosted dinner here and were joined by Ben's parents and aunt and uncle. The food was good, and I finally found a pumpkin pie recipe I am happy with. This is important because pumpkin pie is the best of all pies. (I baked an apple pie with my Grandma's recipe, too. It turns out her recipe is from the Betty Crocker cookbook.) I also mostly successfully replicated my mom's stuffing. It was a hit! I ate way too much, because I am a cliche.

The day after Thanksgiving we drove to Green Bay. We spent the night in a hotel, and then drove the rest of the way to the small town of Oostburg, where my grandma lives. We were there for her  90th birthday party. Most of my extended family was there. Clare enjoyed herself. Christopher was cranky. My grandma seemed very happy. She is so cute, she had gift bags for everyone. She even gave us each a plastic bag and to go box in which to carry home leftover cake. We drove home that night, so everyone was a bit fried. The kids had fun swimming at the hotel, though, and eating any sugary cereal they wanted at the hotel breakfast.

This might be a boring story, but the front desk clerk at the hotel is my hero after she tracked down Christopher's Bumblebee transformer that he left in the breakfast room. When we noticed it missing, I went looking for it, asking at the front desk if anyone had seen it. She said no one had turned it in. Then, when we checked out, there was Bumblebee waiting at the front desk. The clerk explained that she had seen another boy walking down the hall with it, and she asked if it was really his. He reluctantly handed it over, much to Christopher's joy. So thank you to the hotel clerk in Green Bay, Wisconsin. You saved the day.

The kids had a day off school the week before Thanksgiving, and I took them on a behind the scenes tour of the Aquarium. (40 x 40 goal!) Clare and I thought it was interesting. Christopher did not. He created his own fun by holding onto my coat and running around in circles until I was a tightly wrapped package.

We had conferences this month. Both kids are doing well.  I talked to Christopher's teacher about his complete lack of interest in writing or art. (When Clare was his age she could write her name. He can write some lines, no actual letters.) His teacher said not to worry. When he is interested in something, he'll start doing more writing and art. He has started making friends at school, and he really likes it a lot. He loves his teachers, too.

I saw Wilco at the Palace Theater. Thumbs up. I also had my fall friends' weekend away. We went to La Crosse. We had a nice trip, despite mice in the rental house and a trip to the ER. (One friend thought she was having an allergic reaction. She is okay.) I also got to visit my grandma and aunt. It was nice to visit without the kids there to distract me. I enjoyed it.

And now it is time to think about Christmas. We are going to see Santa already this Saturday. The kids are excited. December will be busy, but I tried to plan everything out so I won't be too stressed. Haha, yeah right.

Playing outside during our one snowfall.

Meeting their new cousin, The Baby Brother.

At the Firefighters Museum in Minneapolis.

I didn't frame this well, so the lamp is cutting off part of the date.

Thanksgiving, Wisconsin-style. (Even though we were in Minnesota. And I actually cheered for the Vikings. Hey, anything can happen in 2017.)

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Bits and Pieces: October

October is always a busy month, and this year has been no exception. I always mean to write more updates throughout the month, but guess what? I never do.

We started the month with Christopher's 4th birthday celebration. (Is there such a thing as the terrible fours? Because Christopher has been very cranky lately.) Anyway, we went out to dinner at the Rainforest Cafe on his birthday. (His choice. His local grandparents joined us.) On the following Saturday, we had a small party with all four of his grandparents, a great aunt and uncle, Josie, Aunt Katie, Uncle Andrew, Aunt Meg, and his godparents and their two kiddos. We ate pizza and he was spoiled with many lovely presents. He was definitely into the presents this year in a way he hasn't been in the past.

We also went to an apple orchard that weekend. It was a warm day, and the kids had a great time in the corn maze and on the pony rides. My parents came with us and paid for the tickets, which was great because otherwise it would have cost a small fortune to do all of the activities at the orchard. The fall colors have really been beautiful this year, too.

The following weekend the kids and I went to stay at my friend Chelsea's cabin on Lake Vermillion. Her cabin is beautiful. It is really a house, not a cabin. My friend Cindi and her husband were there, too. We had a great time kayaking (I only fell partially into the lake)  and hiking near a waterfall. And drinking lots of wine. (Me, not the kids.) I can't wait to go back next summer.

October also means my birthday, so I thought I'd check in on my 40 x 40 goals. Yeah, I haven't made a lot of progress this year. Maybe I'll do better next year. My actual birthday celebration was great, though. I got kidnapped by my friends and taken out for dinner and drinks (along with my friend Kerry, whose birthday is just four days after mine). Ben had me convinced I was going out to eat with him, so I was pretty surprised when my friends showed up at my door. It was a great night. I feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends.

We took our annual fall camping trip to Cascade River over MEA weekend. It was fun, despite a little rain. We go with a group of close friends, and I hope we can keep the tradition going. The kids had a blast running around the woods. I always enjoy sitting by a campfire. Something about being in the woods and spending some time staring at Lake Superior was very therapeutic. Too bad it didn't last long.

We had a bonfire night at Clare's school last week, as well as her annual fun run. I volunteered this year, and it was great to meet some other parents at the school. I hope to get more involved once I am no longer watching Josie and I have a few free mornings while Christopher is at preschool. Clare has a new best friend at school, Natalie, and it was so fun to see them running around together.

Christopher continues to entertain us with his many jokes, funny comments (which he makes even in his sleep), and dance moves. When we were camping, I shined a flashlight on his face to check on him after he'd gone to sleep. Christopher: "Stand aside!" The other night at dinner, we were discussing why Clare might not be allowed to have a pajama day at school. (She thinks it is the greatest of injustices that she is not allowed to wear a Halloween costume to school or have a pajama day, both of which Christopher gets to do this week. I told her she could ask her teacher about the pajama day, and she wanted us each to say one reason why he might say no.)

Me: It might be against school policy.
Christopher: That's what I was going to say!

School continues to go well for both kids. I am so happy with Clare's teacher this year, and she is doing great. She is in the most advanced reading group, and her teacher said it is the first time he's had a first grader in that group. (She is in a combined first-third grade class.) We just finished "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." She is reading the first Harry Potter right now, which I am so excited about. I plan to giver her "A Wrinkle in Time" and "Charlotte's Web" for Christmas. She does well with math and science as well, but needs to be pushed a little more in those subjects. She doesn't like math problems that are challenging. She and I have been getting along well lately, too. We do much better when we don't have to spend all day together. Christopher is also enjoying preschool. He is still getting used to having to go three days a week. It is a big adjustment for him, since he's never gone to daycare.

And now it is somehow the end of October and Halloween. The kids are very excited about trick or treating tonight. We are planning to go down our block, and then meet friends at one of the block parties nearby. They close the street and the houses go crazy with the decorating. The kids got to wear their costumes on Saturday at the Highland business trick or treat event, and then again on Sunday at my friend Heather's annual Halloween party. (Although Christopher refused to wear his Batman costume because he declared it to be "too sweaty.") I am going to leave a bowl on of candy on the porch with a note that says, "Take one. Do you know what karma is?" We'll see how that goes.

Many pictures ahoy, some with very poor lighting!

School picture time! What a cute chipmunk she is.

Three generations hamming it up at Rainforest Cafe.

Christopher's Batman birthday cake, baked by Ben, decorated by me. (Can you tell I spent a lot of time on it?)

Me and the birthday boy.

Opening presents.

At the Orchard.

Cow ride!

Corn maze fun. Our group got separated at one point and Christopher climbed to the top of one of the viewing spots and screamed "Clare! Clare!" at the top of his lungs. "No answer," he said, disappointed.

Very accurate measurements.


Clare kayaking. She did all the paddling herself. Photo and French braid by Cindi.

We hiked by the waterfall while Christopher slept in the car. (With Chelsea for company in case he woke up.)

Rest stop in Duluth on the way to our camp site.

Hiking at Cascade River.

Our camping crew.

I took the kids to see the "My Little Pony" movie on a recent day off school. It was our first time all seeing a movie in the theater together. (40 x 40 goal!) And it was fun, despite a bathroom incident and most of that popcorn spilling on the floor.

Clare is the only one who posed for this photo. Christopher refused. I don't know what Ben's doing.

Batman and Supergirl.

Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Superman and Supergirl.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


He refused to sit next to the moose. In fact, it took me three days just to get him do this.

Christopher went out front to wait for Clare's bus. I heard him calling "hi, hi!" to everyone who walked by. Then silence. I go outside to find he has stopped a woman walking her dog. He was petting the dog and telling the dog's owner that he has his own dog. He says his dog has the same name as the dog on the sidewalk. I explain it is stuffed. He runs inside to find the dog to show the person on the sidewalk. He has never seen this person before, but has no trouble carrying on a five minute conversation about whatever comes to mind.  We were at the park last week and he did the same thing - this time cornering a mom who was playing with her daughter to tell her all about his upcoming birthday. He is so different from Clare in this way. I needed him four years go when both Clare and I were too timid to make friends at the park.

We discovered on Labor Day that Christopher is allergic to cashews. One trip to the ER at Children's and a prescription for an epipen later, Christopher joins the ranks of the allergic in this house. I took him to the allergist earlier this week, so we'll know in a few days what other allergies might be lurking. When we were at the doctor, he charmed everyone as usual, including an old woman in the elevator who loudly cried, "He's cute!" when we got on.

He is currently into superheroes, especially Batman and Spiderman. He is dressing up as Batman for Halloween (Clare is going as Super Girl). He still loves trains and dinosaurs. His favorite book is "Richard Scarry's Best Word Book Ever," which was also my favorite book when I was his age. (Yes, payback, Mom.) He also likes many other books and happily sits and snuggles to read. He also likes to listen when Clare and I read chapter books together (currently the selection is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.") His favorite TV shows are "My Little Pony" and "Octonauts." His favorite movies are "Mary Poppins" and "Cars". His favorite food is pizza (or pizz-ya, as he pronounces it. He also pronounces piano pi-pano.). He also loves all fruit, and was very excited when they made fruit salad at preschool on Monday. ("We made fruit salad, Emily! And it had strawberries and apples and BANANAS and MARSHMALLOWS. You should make it sometime.")

He loves playing at parks and petting dogs and running around. He is finally old enough to play with other kids, and is excited to have his own friends (rather than just my friends' kids, although he loves them, too). His best friends in the world are his sister and his cousin Josie. (Clare came home from school on Monday and said, "Christopher, I actually missed you when I was at school today. That's never happened before.")

Oh, and blankie. Christopher's beloved blanket is now in four pieces. All of those pieces are slowly getting smaller, as new holes appear every day. The partner of Clare's piano teacher mistook it for one of their dogs' chew rags. That's how pathetic it is. Despite all of this, it is still his most beloved possession.

He still loves music. He plays his guitar and sings along to any song he knows. He loves to dance.

Whenever Clare is not listening or giving me grief, Christopher instantly turns on the charm. "Mommy, I love you. I am listening, Emily. Clare's not listening." It's pretty funny. He is really a sweetheart, though. He'll wake up early in the morning and come and snuggle with me in bed. He is helpful around the house. He especially loves cracking the eggs when he make pancakes with Ben.

And of course, he is always a comedian. He loves to make people laugh. I love it, too, because it definitely cheers me up.

I still think of him as my baby, and I suppose he'll always be my baby. He is just such a little boy, now, though. Happy birthday, Christopher. We couldn't love you more.

Edited to add this video:

Friday, September 29, 2017

Bits and Pieces: September

I have been struggling a lot lately with The Events of the Day. It is hard for me to keep it affecting my mood and how much patience I have with the kids. I hate the feeling of hopelessness and dread that seems to affect me every day. So if anyone has any advice on how to stay positive, I'd take it. Anything, really. (I have already tried eating my feelings. And drinking my feelings.) I've noticed my SAD has started early this year, too. I think it is time to finally buy one of those happy lamps!

Aside from all that, this month has had some high points. For one, I went to Sonoma! Without my kids! My college roommates and I made the trip for a long weekend mid-month. It was wonderful. We don't see each other much these days, despite everyone living in the Twin Cities (and Rochester). We flew there on a Thursday and immediately went to a winery. On Friday, we took a tour to four different wineries in the Sonoma Valley. The best part was that no one had to drive. On Saturday, we drove to several different wineries in the Napa Valley. We ate delicious food along with all of the wine. Spending time with these ladies was so nice. Even though we don't see each other much, our history holds us together. It feels like no time has passed when we get together. We have 11 kids all together, and we all definitely need some time away. I wish we could go every year.

I already wrote about the first days of school, and it continues to go well for both kids. Clare loves her teacher. She is very excited about what she is doing at school, and is eager to tell me about her day. She seems much more enthusiastic than last year. Christopher also loves preschool. He sometimes claims he doesn't want to go, but he then he has a great time. And I have evidence: the school's Instagram account. It is so much fun to look at pictures while he's at school in the morning. He is always having a blast, and they have some pretty funny quotes under the pictures, too. Clare has started asking to go to the bus by herself, which is fine. The stop is right across the street from our house and I can stand on my porch to keep an eye on her. The only problem: Christopher insists on giving Clare a hug and a kiss at the bus stop. It is really sweet, actually, and Clare has been good about letting him do that, even though she really wants her independence.

We started ECFE again, and both Christopher and Josie are enjoying that.  I also enjoy my adult interaction and kid-free time.

My grandma, who turned 94 in August, received a Presidential Lifetime Achievement award for her volunteer work. She has volunteered weekly at the hospital for years. I thought that was neat, even though she is unhappy with the signature on the award.

Christopher's birthday is next week, so I'll be back with more then!

Petting a police horse at the neighborhood festival.

Elsa. She also climbed the rock wall.

Sonoma Valley.

Outside at Hall Winery in the Napa Valley. Can't go wrong with wine and cheese and crackers.

Jessie, Cindi, me, Chelsea, Jessica. 

Rutherford Winery in the Napa Valley. I also made a life decision: I am only getting gel manicures from now on.

Clare waiting for the bus on her own. She looks so small standing there.

Monday, September 11, 2017

First Day of Preschool

Christopher was nervous yesterday. He said he didn't want to go to preschool. "I changed my mind, Emily," he told me. (He calls me Emily almost all of the time these days.) Then I mentioned the gym at the school. He stopped crying. He looked at me and said, "Oh. A gym? I was hoping there would be a gym." And that was that. This morning he ate his special breakfast of zucchini bread and was ready when it was time to leave for school. He bounded in, excited and ready to play. 

I got a little teary eyed leaving my sweet boy at school. I knew he was going to have a great day, though. And this is just the start of a new era of free time for me. Josie and I went to the Y and Starbucks. Soon, I won't be watching Josie anymore and I'll have three mornings to myself. It will be glorious. The only downside: right now, Josie and Christopher are happily playing while I write this. I'll have to find something to entertain him in the afternoons after his cousin is in daycare.

In the meantime, I am so glad we found Christopher's great little preschool.  It is in the basement of the church, and the teachers are wonderful. I think it's going to be a great year.

Freddy Fox came along, too.

He didn't want to leave.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

First Day of First Grade

Clare was so ready to go back to school this year. She was ready long before the bus came, and she was quite put out when I told her she had to wait awhile for the bus.  I was able to distract her with the homemade banana bread I'd baked the night before. It's our back to school tradition. I also left a note in her lunch wishing her luck.

She has a new teacher this year, and the class is a combination of first, second and third graders. I was a bit nervous about the large age difference at first, but like I've said before, she usually plays with older kids when we are with our friends. (Two of her best friends, Nora and James, are third graders.) We visited her classroom last week. It was very cozy and welcoming.  I am impressed with her teacher so far. He is communicates with parents a lot, which is something I appreciate. (He even sent us an email after the first day of school letting us know how her day went. How he finds the time to email all of the parents I don't know. He said that Clare was very eager to learn and a hard worker.)

Her bus was late returning home at the end of the day, and Christopher and Josie spent 25 minutes staring out the window waiting for it. When I asked Clare what took so long, she said the driver couldn't find our house and she had to give him directions. I am wondering how clear her directions were.

She got to play with old classmates at recess, and I am happy she gets to see her old friends.

So far, so good this school year. Christopher starts preschool next week!