My house is a disaster. There, I said. I am only working three days a week, which you would think would mean I could stay on top of the laundry, dishes, and cleaning of the bathrooms. I cannot. Each weekend, I frantically tidy up, maybe clean a toilet or two, and try to get the laundry put away. By the next day, it once again looks like a tornado went through the place. A tornado named Clare. (They should really name tornados after people like they do with hurricanes. Or maybe not.) Anyway, it is not necessarily Clare making the mess, although she does like to scatter her toys all over the floor, but she is the reason that I cannot get anything done. When I first asked for my adjusted schedule at work, I thought, “How perfect! Two days during the week to run errands, do chores, and hang out with Clare. Then we can just spend the weekends doing things as a family.” HA! HAHAHAHA! How naïve I was. And now that Clare is crawling, she is less happy being corralled in her crib or jumperoo, although she will bounce in that thing for a little while. And naps! These should be the time when I can get things down around the house. But no. For many weeks, every time I would put Clare down for a nap she would immediately wake up. I started letting her sleep on me, which allowed me to catch up on the plethora of shows recorded on my TiVo, but did not allow for much cleaning. This week I put her down in her crib and she stayed asleep – for about 30 minutes. Then she was up, summoning me to her once again.
All of this STUFF is stressing me out. I think I need a bigger house, one where all of Clare’s toys can be in one room, and we can have toy-free room, too. Oh, who I am kidding. If I had a bigger place I would just fill it with more stuff! It is probably time for one of my biannual cleaning binges, where I fill several bags for Goodwill (that then sit in the trunk of my car for months, much to my husband’s dismay.)
Does anyone have any advice on how to keep on top of the cleaning situation? Or do I just need to let it go and not worry about it until Clare starts school?
Also: yes, I could have been cleaning rather than spending time writing this post. Maybe that is part of the problem - I'd rather write (or read, or watch TV, or eat) than clean.
Mess! And cat. |