I feel like there is nothing I can say about this year that is new, that has not been said by a million other people. I'll just say this: I am glad it is over.
This past year, Clare and Christopher showed such strength and resiliency. I am amazed by them, really. They were asked to upend their entire lives for the protection of their parents and grandparents. And they did it. They didn't always like it, but they understood why it was important and they did it. (Which is more than I can say for a lot of adults in this world.)
Living through a worldwide pandemic has not been easy for anyone, but I think they key word here is "living". Despite it all, we lived our lives as best we could. We saw friends outside. We saw family in our bubble inside. We had some nice times. So, instead of reflecting on all we didn't have this year, I thought I'd make a short list of this year's highlights.
- Clare and Christopher, who yes, fought frequently, also found ways to entertain themselves in rather hilarious fashion, including something they call the Flunday Night Tickle Down that involves Clare as "Poopy Person" and Christopher as "Diaper Dude" and they do some kind of combination of wrestling and tickling. They also make "Belly Promises" to each other and bump bellies when they agree to something.
- We played hundreds of board games, including countless rounds of trivia via Zoom with the kids' grandparents. I love that the kids are old enough to play some of my old favorites like Clue and Life.
- We bought a camper and went camping with friends several times. It felt so good to be out in nature and out of our house.
- We spent a long weekend at a beautiful house on a lake in Wisconsin with family.
- Halloween was epic - our party was possibly more fun than Halloween in a "normal" year.
- Technology to the rescue: we've all participated in various Zoom birthday parties, meetings, summer camps and game nights.
- We found creative ways to make up for the things we missed, including our re-creation of the State Fair at my parents' house, complete with fried food, a bouncy house and animal viewings.
- Books! I read 104 books this year, which I am sure is the most books I have read in one year as an adult. My favorites: "Hamnet", "The Vanishing Half", "The Yellow House", and "Red at the Bone". I also read many mysteries and "chick lit"-type novels ranging from quite good to mediocre, but I enjoyed them.
- Clare was able to play soccer, with provided a much-needed social and physical outlet for her. Christopher was able to attend a social-distance theater camp, which, same.
- It was kind of nice having Ben home with us, even though he spends most of the day in the basement and I am sure he would rather be at the office.
- We ate a lot of take out in the name of supporting local businesses. Our favorite is Urban Growler, a woman-owned brewery near our house.
- The library re-opened! The library re-opened! I also bought many books from a cute bookstore in my neighborhood.
- The simple act of walking with a friend could make the day so much better. Especially when the walk ended with a take out coffee.
- I found renewed gratitude for all I have: house, food, family. I know that much of what I have is by accident of birth, and not a day has gone by this year where I have not reminded myself of how lucky we are. (Maybe this should have been first on my list? All well.)
So yes, overall this year was crap. But, thankfully, there is still good to be found if I look for it.
I know better than to say anything about 2021. We'll just have to see what happens. In the meantime, here are some pictures from December. We had a nice Christmas, even if it wasn't normal.
Note: These are in reverse order and frankly I am too lazy to mess around with changing them.
Clare and Christopher made this family tree for Ben and I for Christmas. I love it! |
Ringing in 2021 - this shot is from 12:01 a.m. on 1/1/21. |
Sleepover for New Year's Eve. They were so excited to stay up until midnight. I was shocked (and less excited) that they made it. |
Sledding near our house. I am glad there is some snow. |
Christmas morning joy. |
Waiting (not so) patiently to be allowed downstairs on Christmas morning. Ben and I like to make our coffee and turn on the lights before the chaos starts.
 | Ready for Christmas morning! |
Cookies and milk for Santa on Christmas Eve. |
Checking Santa's whereabouts on Google's Santa Tracker. |
Enjoying a meat and cheese skewer on Christmas Eve. |
Cuties. |
Christmas Eve family time. |
Cheers with a sidecar. (Oh, I should have added this to my list: I experimented with many different cocktails this year.) |
Clare played Christmas music all through December (and through most of November). |
Decorating Christmas cookies. Josie and Otto were also decorating and we did a Portal call. |
Clare and I had a high tea for Christmas! It was fun and delicious. Clare wanted us to be "elegant" but spilled food on herself almost immediately. "I guess we aren't elegant," she said. No Clare, no we are not. |
I made so many of one of my favorite Christmas cookies. I have the recipe from my dear grandmother, and I love seeing her handwriting and reading her notes every year when I make these. |
Working on a research project about Ruth Bader Ginsburg. |
Picking out our tree from our tree lot neighbors. |
Couldn't resist this shot of a dragon doing distance learning. |
And of course your new delightfully chubby nephew was a highlight (albeit slightly tarnished by inability to meet him in person)?! :-)