One thing 2020 has taught me is there is no point in making plans. Which is sad, because making plans is my favorite hobby. The craziness of the election, COVID case counts on the rise, and a Thanksgiving that wasn't what we hoped it would be has made for a long November.
We had planned to go my parents' house for Thanksgiving, but the Governor's latest order put a stop to that. We were all disappointed, but we made the best of it by cooking the full Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, we had an 18 pound turkey and all the sides. For four people. It was a lot of food, but it tasted good and we had a nice day playing games, watching football, and participating in three Zoom calls. We talked to my parents and brother and sister and families, the extended family on my Dad's side, and Ben's family. The kids get a little bored with the Zoom calls, which is understandable. I enjoy being able to see everyone's faces. A random note: a year or two ago, my Aunt Karen told me she thought Clare looked like my cousin Lauren. I didn't see it at first, but the older Clare gets the more like Lauren she looks. This is a good thing - Lauren is very pretty.
This month we also took a few hikes, played at a few playgrounds, and had a few virtual Scout meetings. The highlight, besides Thanksgiving, was probably the Harry Potter movie marathon I had with Clare. We didn't leave the pullout couch in our playroom for about 30 hours. (We also had a sleepover, we weren't just staring at the screen for 30 hours. Just 22 hours.) It was really fun.
I was amused by the following story. Clare and I were driving to the library a few weeks ago when she announced, "I don't think Santa is real. I think it's just you. Is it?" Well. I told her she was right, after asking if she really wanted to know. "I have been suspicious since I saw the top of our chimney. How could he fit down there?" I feel like she has been suspicious of the whole Santa thing since she was two. As we pulled into the parking lot to the library, she said, "Oh, and I don't believe in the Easter Bunny anymore, either." Okay then. She claimed she never believed in the Easter Bunny, because "How could a bunny deliver chocolate?" My little logical skeptic.
(Both kids know that I am the Tooth Fairy.)
October. It seems like a lifetime ago. The highlight by far was Halloween. I think the kids actually had more fun this Halloween than they normally do on that holiday. That is probably the only thing we can say that about in this year of COVID. We had a Halloween party with my parents, and Katie, Andrew, Josie and Otto. Clare nominated herself to be chair of the Party Planning Committee, and she took her job seriously. We played games, including wrapping Ben and Andrew in toilet paper (mummies!) and watched them race in the backyard. They didn't disappoint. The kids went trick or treating from room to room in the house. It was really fun, and I am glad we had that time together, since it is the last time we all hung out together before the current restrictions went into place.
Let's see, what else happened in October? I turned 41. We were camping at Gooseberry Falls over my birthday weekend. It was freezing and it snowed, but we were with friends, which doesn't happen too often these days and made it worth being cold. And Lake Superior is one of my favorite places on Earth.
Christopher turned 7. He had fun on our camping trip and at his small party. We did a few other fall things, including a trip to La Crosse (the fall colors were stunning and Christopher was able to read my grandma a story and act it out as well) and a trip to the apple orchard.
Christopher had an assignment for school a few weeks ago, where we both had to make a list of five things we are thankful for. I kept it simple and small: my family, especially my kiddos, my four best friends (and all of my friends), our house, the fact that we are lucky enough not to worry about having enough food, and books (my escape from the world).
Christopher went big: "I am thankful that there are people on the planet, I am thankful for plants because they give us oxygen and provide us food, I am thankful that I have a good family, I am thankful that I have a house and I am thankful for the planet."
I'm grateful to the teacher who assigned this, because it gave me a chance to pause, take a deep breath, and literally count my blessings. Even though this month, this year, and however long to come might not be what we want it to be, we still have a lot to be thankful for.
And now, here are some pictures from the past two months. Yay!
Christopher settled in for the 30 minute drive to the campsite for his birthday camping in October. |
Camping crew! |
Opening presents at his birthday party. We also had pizza and cake.
Fun at Whistling Well Farm. We had a beautiful day and it wasn't crowded. |
October snow.
Clare making a cake during her virtual Girl Scout meeting. |
The spread at my outdoor joint birthday party (with my friend Kerry).
We did not have nice weather for an outdoor Halloween event with Stepping Stone Theater.
Christopher's face here shows how he felt about it.
They did have fun sorting their candy and making trades.
Pumpkin carving on Halloween day. |
A sea witch and a devil trick or treating at the bathroom door. |
Followed by a dinosaur and the grim reaper.
Enjoying a rare warm November day with a Noodles picnic and a playground.
Hiking at Taylor's Falls. They had fun climbing around the potholes and then whined for the entire hike. I might have whined a little bit, too. |
Day 2 of the Harry Potter movie marathon.
Clare was very helpful on Thanksgiving. And very dressed up.
Once again, Christopher's face will tell you how he felt about our walk at the Minnesota River. |
LOVE THIS!! Miss you, friend. xo