Sunday, September 9, 2018

First Days

Clare's first day of second grade was easy for her. She has the same teacher and most of the same kids in her class.  No problem. I was at school for Christopher's conference with his teacher, and I peeked in the lunch room while Clare was eating. She was happily chatting away with her best friend, Natalie.

I was nervous for Christopher's first day of Pre-K. At the meeting with his teacher, he hid under the table and refused to speak to her. (Which is not how he usually operates. For example, he told our waitress at Snuffy's today that he is in Pre-K, that he's 4 but is almost five, and that he would please like a grilled cheese. When we got home he tried to scare my neighbor's sister, who he'd never met before, by growling at her like a dragon. "Did you think fire would come out of my mouth?" he asked.
But I digress.)

After the conference, he announced that he did not like his teacher's face. He woke up on the morning of the first day of school crying. However, Clare saved the day. She got him excited by telling him they didn't have to wear seat belts on the bus. Somehow this fact was enough to get him over his dislike of his teacher's face. He had a great day, and was super excited when he got off the bus at lunch time. (And only partially because his bus driver's name is also Christopher.) So it was a good day. I hope he still enjoys it this week.


  1. He doesn't like his teacher's face ... I'm smiling over here because that is such a funny/honest observation from a four-almost-five-year old. (He probably couldn't think of another reason to express those nervous feelings, so that poor teacher's face became the scapegoat.) I hope he learns to love his teacher's face before too long.

    And I'm not surprised that Clare helped him get on the bus and does so well in school (what a relief when they have good friends!). What a sweet big sister.

  2. Clare looks so tall in that picture! I'm glad they both had good first days/weeks, and I'm glad you now have a little time to yourself, too.
