Friday, August 31, 2018

Bits and Pieces: August

Well, that's it for summer. Adios, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

August was okay, actually, but as usual we are all ready to be out of each other's company for awhile. Clare has been ready to go back to school for weeks, and I think Christopher is starting to get excited, too.

Now that Christopher will be in school five mornings a week I'll probably start thinking about my next steps, too. It is long past time that I go back to work, but that can be pretty hard to do after being at home for 5 years. Maybe I'll go back to school and start over like my mom did.

So, August. Clare finally cashed in her birthday present at the beginning of this month and got her ears pierced. She did well. Honestly, I wasn't sure she would go through with it because we usually have to have two people hold her down to give her the flu shot, but she did it with no tears. After the big event we had Tenney's ears pierced at the American Girl Doll Salon. She had her hair styled, too. Then Clare and I had lunch.

Clare went to a science camp the first week in August. It was through the Science Museum of Minnesota and was focused on engineering. She loved it. I am so happy she is interested in math and science. I am trying to encourage it without making her feel like it's something she has to do. So far, so good.

We had a few playdates and things this month. I even had a playdate with my friend Chrissy. (I hate the term play date by the way. And is it one word or two?) It was great to see Chrissy and Christopher had a great time with Adam and Ben. They were so nice to him even though he is so much younger.

I took the kids to visit my parents for a few days. Clare was very excited to see her grandparents and go swimming, but unfortunately she got sick and was really out of it for most of our visit. Christopher had fun, though. Especially on the day I let him watch TV most of the day. I also took him to his favorite weird indoor playground in Fitchburg, located just down the street from where I grew up. I missed out on seeing my friend Christina and her new baby because of Clare's illness, so I was super bummed about that. Hopefully I'll get to meet her little one next time I am in town. I did enjoy seeing my parents and drinking martinis, though.

Another exciting first for Clare this month: her first sleepover! She spent the night at her friend Nora's house and had a BLAST. It was easy for me, because Nora's mom is one of my best friends. I knew she was in good hands. I was looking forward to having some time to myself after Christopher went to bed. (Ben was at a meeting.) I was going to FINALLY watch the Veronica Mars movie, but then Christopher started complaining that his ear hurt. Fast forward through a sleepless night to the doctor the next day and an ear infection diagnosis. Not only did I miss out on the movie, I missed out on a beach day with friends. (They nicely took Clare, so she didn't miss out on anything.) Anyway, to continue to make this boring story even longer, Christopher is fine and I watched Veronica Mars the next night. I can't wait for the Hulu series!

Oh, and of course we went to the Fair. The best part for me was breakfast at the Blue Barn and the horticulture building, especially the Christmas trees and flower kaleidoscope. Christopher loved the animals. Clare loved the rides. Ben loved the beer. It was our typical fair experience.

We had our back to school open house last night. It was fun to see the kid's teachers and meet new parents.

And now on to Labor Day weekend. We are having a little party here on Saturday, followed by another trip to the Fair for Ben and Clare on Sunday. Christopher and I are going to Como Zoo. That is much more our speed.

Edited to add: We visited my Grandma (Clare's namesake) for her 95th (!) birthday. It was so nice to see her and my two aunts. My parents and Katie were there, too. By far the best part was our off key rendition of "Happy Birthday" which left all of us in a puddle of tears of laughter. (Christopher did his typical growling singing, which just added to the song's charm.) My Grandma said it was the best birthday song she could have asked for.

Getting her science on at the Children's Museum.

His favorite part of the museum, other than the car wash and the slide.

Before the piercing!
She did it! And Tenney did well, too.

My sister and I took the kids to Square Lake in Stillwater one Saturday. They had fun. We were stressed.
Christopher did not want to participate in a group picture.
Carefully putting his school supplies on the checkout counter.
My mother-in-law had Clare, Tenney, Samantha, and I over for a fancy tea party. It was really fun.
Swimming in Janesville before she got sick.
We got two new windows. Sadly, our bay window is gone but I like the way the new one looks.
Fair time. Obvs.
In the fire tower at the DNR building.
Bumper boats. Clare is sad that she is now too tall for this ride.
Not too tall for Little Farm Hands, though!
Chemistry in the U of M building.
Annual beer selfie.
Annual Sweet Martha's cookie picture.
We met my friends Anna and Liz at Minnehaha Falls this week. The kids had fun together, once Clare warmed up. It was a beautiful day!
Back to School Night and Ice Cream Social. They are just a little excited. But not as excited as I am.

1 comment:

  1. We made the blog! So glad our playdate/play date worked out. It was great to see you, and Christopher is just as cute as ever. Such a sweet kid. We'll have to get together soon with Ben, Aaron, and Clare, too!

    Your August sounds like it was a lot of fun. Your kids are lucky to have had you home with them all these years!!! The next chapter in your life is going to be wonderful, I just know it. xo
