Monday, April 30, 2012

Random Bits and Pieces: April

Clare has another double ear infection. Boo. She is not nearly as sick as last time, but is still not quite herself. I had to miss a day of work, because we couldn't send her to daycare with a fever. (And she screamed every time I put her down, so yeah. It wasn't a very hard decision to stay home.) The doctor said she'll probably keep getting ear infections when she is congested, and there is nothing we can do about it. Yippee!!

Crappy iPhone photo of sick baby.

We went to visit my brother and sister-in-law in Chicago last weekend. They live in Rogers Park, on the north side of the city. We were only there for a few hours, but as soon as I stepped out of the car and breathed in that urban air, I was in love. (I've been to Chicago many times, but never to that particular neighborhood.) We took the 'L' to a Swedish restaurant, where we met two of my cousins for lunch. It was delicious, but we all felt sick after eating two cinnamon rolls as ONE side. Clare ended up eating most of my scrambled eggs.


My hands look like they're 60-years-old. Seriously. All of the diaper changes are wreaking havoc, not to mention the washing of the cloth diapers. Can anyone recommend a good moisturizer? I am trying to use all natural and organic products, but let's face it. Sometimes that shit just doesn't work.


It was the Week of the Young Child in Evansville last week. Clare was in a parade and everything! Apparently she fell asleep in the stroller (which was one of those huge buggies that seats six babies), so she obviously wasn't very excited about it. We went out to dinner with my parents' on Sunday, and on the way back to the car I saw this:

In case you can't tell, it is a bunny with Clare's footprints hanging in the window of a downtown business. When I drove by there today, I saw the bunnies had been taken down. I hope it is waiting for us at daycare.


Clare is still awake. It is an hour past her bedtime. She is refusing to nurse, which she has never done before. I am tired. I am tempted to go to bed and let Ben deal with Clare. Would that be wrong? It is his turn. Probably.


  1. Hey Em! I talked to my sister-in-law Trish, who works with harsh chemicals and is washing her hands all the time (she's a hair stylist), and she recommended using udder balm cream or Eucerin, both avail. at Target. Our daycare provider also swears by udder balm cream (I'm assuming she's also constantly washing her hands after diaper changes - at least I hope so!) I'm sorry to hear that Clare has a double ear infection and wasn't her usual happy-go-lucky self. Hope she's feeling better now.

  2. Poor Clare.

    I was one of those babies who kept getting ear infections (heck, I still get them every few years!). Not a fun time for her or you, but she won't remember them, you'll just get to tell her about the times you had to take her to the emergency room.

    Didn't Katie get a lot of ear infections as a baby, too?

  3. Thanks, C.! I'll try those lotions. I appreciate the recommendations!

    Great Auntie K - yes, Katie did get a lot of ear infections as a baby. You are right, Clare won't remember. And she is feeling much better today!
