Sunday, August 7, 2011

Two Months

How did two months go by already??

Clare slept through the night for the first time on July 27. She has since done that one other time, so it is hardly routine. Still, she generally only gets up once a night, so I consider myself lucky. (Knock on wood.)

She has been smiling, but is discerning about when she bestows these smiles. If you get one, consider yourself lucky. She has a definite worried look, and I am afraid she has inherited her mother's talent for, well, worrying. However, I think she inherited her dad's lovely long eyelashes. So that's something. Clare fights sleep during the day. She doesn't want to miss out on anything. Her eyes will be rolling back in her head and she'll try so hard to keep them open. I encourage her to sleep, but she doesn't listen.

She has started babbling and cooing. I ask her questions, and sometimes it seems like she is really trying to answer. When I give her kisses, I sometimes get a look that clearly says "Oh Mom. Can't you just leave me alone?" I think I'll be seeing that look a lot when she is a teenager.

She loves sitting with her dad, although sometimes she looks a little concerned by his weirdness. She definitely knows me, and will follow me with her eyes as I cross the room. She loves her awesome butterfly mobile that I found on Etsy. It is her favorite thing. She also loves the Sandra Boynton book "Moo, Baa, La La La." I have it memorized.

Latest statistics: 25 inches long (99th percentile), 11.6 pounds (65th percentile). I feel like she is growing by the minute! Some days it really seems like she has grown overnight. We still don't have much of a routine, but at two months I feel like I somewhat know what I am doing, sort of. Except for when she cries hysterically for no apparent reason, which she is doing right now. It is Daddy's turn to try to make it stop, though. I am in the other room trying to shut my ears. It is not working very well, though. Okay - I had to go get her. Now she is asleep and I am typing one-handed.  Time for all of us to go to bed.


  1. Long & lean! What a cutie.

    I laughed at you *worrying* about her *worrying*!

    And that's quite the ginormous turtle. :)

  2. Ahhh, the days of typing one-handed.
    Clare is beautiful!!!
    And I agree with A, this sentence is CLASSIC:
    "She has a definite worried look, and I am afraid she has inherited her mother's talent for, well, worrying."
    And this made me smile:
    "She loves sitting with her dad, although sometimes she looks a little concerned by his weirdness."
    I can only imagine the hilarious observations Ben has made since Clare entered your lives!!!
