Sunday, February 20, 2011

Week 25

Week 25. Almost the end of the second trimester. How can that be? Physically, I am feeling pretty well, other than a sprained muscle in my back and your basic round ligament pain. Emotionally, things are a different story. I am up and down all the time. I am excited to be having a baby, but - ugh. I think part of the problem is the weather. I am always down in February, and having to drive 25 miles on country roads to work does not help. It is so stressful!

But hey - how great are maternity pants? If you've never been pregnant, these are by far the best thing about it. (Other than, you know, the baby. But since the baby is not here yet, I guess the jury is technically still out on that one.) I want to wear them all the time, especially the super comfy lounge pants I got from Target. I think I'll probably still wear them after I am done being pregnant. I can't go back to buttons and zippers now.

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