Friday, September 13, 2024


Clare turned 13 in June. I am writing this in September. Writing about Clare turning 13 has been on my to do list all summer, yet somehow it never happened. But here we are!

She is officially a teenager. Time is a thief.

Clare had a great year in seventh grade. She went to dances with friends and had a large-ish role in the school play. (She played a character named Tina-Louise and really stole the show. She was so funny.) She did well in school, and was student of the month in both math and Spanish at the end of the year. (She missed the assembly where she was awarded these titles, because I let her skip school on her birthday. We went to lunch and she got acrylic nails. I wanted to spend time with her because she had a soccer tournament the weekend of her birthday.)

How else did we celebrate? We had a cookout with her favorite chicken kebabs, rice pilaf, and salad. I think I made ice cream pies. We also had a family celebration with pizza. Maybe that's when we had the ice cream pies. See, this is why I shouldn't wait so long to write these posts.

Likes at 13: Soccer, reading, the library, gyros from Shish, pickles and olives, hanging out with friends, Sephora, swimming, arguing, Taylor Swift, Henry Danger, going on rides, the State Fair, painting, Cherry (our cat).

Dislikes: Storms, "sweet meat", not being in charge, going to soccer when she is tired, when someone is doing something they shouldn't, loud noises, my pre-game soccer pep talks, not having money.

Clare is playing soccer for the Blackhawks. She is playing with (mostly) the same group she has been with for the last few years. It is a lot of soccer, but she seems to love it. She is also taking piano lessons and continues to do well. She barely practices, but we do what we can.

Over the summer, she went to a Minnesota Aurora soccer camp, and a sleep-away YMCA camp with her friend Amelia. She also spent a few nights at her friend Luci's cabin, which was a highlight. (Her BFF Lauren was also there.)

She still loves collecting fidgets, and plays with them a lot. She saved her money and bought a record player, and spends a fair amount of time in her room listening to Taylor Swift on vinyl. 

She dislikes talking on the phone, but has several group chats that she texts in frequently. 

We have had a few moments recently that seem to baffle Ben. Tears about seemingly minor things. As a former 13 year old girl myself, I totally understand. However, we may be in for a long year.

Even though we have hit the teenage years, Clare is still very much who she ever was. She is confident, fun, caring, stubborn, headstrong in the best way, and intelligent.

As my sister recently said: "For a family of people who think they're the smartest person in the room, I think you actually are." 

Clare, if you read this someday, just know how much we love you. Do what makes you happy, if you can. Stay yourself. Don't be afraid to share your opinions, but remember to listen to other people, too. Happy 13th birthday!

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