Thursday, October 4, 2018


Five. SOB. 

I wrote this when Clare turned five, too. Five feels like a milestone. It also feels like I blinked and woke up with a 5-year-old and a seven-year-old, and I don't know what I did for the past five years. Luckily, I have this blog to remind me that I did actually spend that time doing something.

So, this kid. Ben and I frequently ask ourselves just where he came from. He is the extrovert in a family of three introverts. If he thinks he can make someone laugh, he goes for it. He talks to everyone he sees: friends, neighbors, people with dogs, waitstaff, cashiers, baristas, you name it. He brought his yeti toy to an appointment this week with the express goal of "scaring" the doctor. (He then forgot to show it to the doctor because he was having too much fun trying to listen to his own heart with the doctor's stethoscope, which he was not shy about asking to use. He had never met this doctor before.)

He does still have shy moments, though. Especially if I am around. Or maybe only if I am around. He still wants to be with me most of the time, and still sometimes cries if I go somewhere without him.  He certainly knows how to turn on the crocodile tears and fully expects me to come running with a big hug. And I usually do.

We picked Clare up at school earlier this week, and the kindergartners from Christopher's class were going out to their buses. They all immediately started yelling to him and saying bye and seemed genuinely happy to see him. He has started telling me about a few friends both at school and on the bus, including a little girl named Josie. He thinks it's pretty great that this girl has the same name as his cousin. 

Speaking of his cousins, Josie is still his best friend. (And sometimes his worst enemy.) He adores playing with baby Otto, and seeing pictures of Marios on my phone. He misses Bambos and mentions him frequently. 

Clare and Christopher play very nicely together, although this week Clare is very jealous that Christopher is getting attention for his birthday. (It is one of those things I have no patience with her about. I need to remember that seven is still pretty little. She is entitled to behave like a seven-year-old once in awhile.)

Christopher played soccer this summer and fall, and enjoyed it. He tried hard and scored a few goals. I am glad he found something he likes. He is asking to try to gymnastics, and considering the fact that he literally climbs the walls in our house, it might be a good idea. We'll probably do some theater classes again next summer, too.

Some of Christopher's favorites at five: transformers, transformers, transformers. Playing board games, riding his bike, playing at the park. He likes swimming, but only if he can touch the bottom of the pool. Books, especially "Dragons Love Tacos" and "The Day the Crayons Quit." He lets Clare read to him, and they'll sit on the couch and go through 10 books in a row, or sometimes more. I love it. He loves the History Center and the library and the Children's Museum and cake pops from Starbucks. His favorite animals are buffalo and gorillas. He loves his aforementioned yeti, who he named Burrito. His current favorite TV show is Skylanders. His favorite movie is Captain Underpants. He still runs around the house with his fingers in his ears if something on TV scares him.

Dislikes: broccoli, and until a few days ago, wearing pants. (He would wear shorts.)

Potty humor has become a big problem. Christopher finds his bodily functions hilarious, and thinks everyone else should, too.

We saw his cardiologist this week, and I am happy to report that he is doing well and does not need to go back until he is nine. He still has a heart murmur, because instead of being completely smooth his aorta is jagged where it had to be repaired. However, as long as it continues to grow with him he should be fine. If not, then we might be looking at another procedure. But since that won't happen for awhile, I am choosing not to worry about it!

Last weekend he helped me make an apple crisp, and we had so much fun baking together. Even though I am sad he is growing up so fast, it is so fun to have this funny, happy, helpful kid to hang out with. 

Happy birthday to my best guy!


  1. Interesting! Maisy is our alien amongst introverts. Maybe Christopher and Maisy are just what our introverted families needed! Happy Birthday Christopher!

  2. He seems to be a lot like his uncle Rob. And I once told someone Katie probably knew everyone on her block, and when I asked her (this was as an undergrad), she did indeed name everyone on the block.

  3. Happy fifth birthday to your little outgoing, joyful, imaginative cutie!
