This summer was jam-packed. It was mostly, but not always, fun. It is now over. The end.
Just kidding, here are a bunch of pictures.
The first weekend of summer, Ben and Christopher went on a Cub Scout camping trip. Clare and I went to her soccer tournament (she scored two goals!), and had a Sunday morning breakfast and shopping day. |
The peony always blooms around Clare's birthday. |
The kids had a violin and piano recital in person. They both did great! |
We went to Red Balloon book store and then had lunch out at Cafe Latte early in the summer. |
Ben and I snuck away to our neighborhood bar for dinner by ourselves. |
Clare went horseback riding with her Girl Scout troop. |
Riding the carousel during our annual (and possibly last, the kids are getting too big) Como Town visit. |
We spent a week at family camp at Camp Northern Lights. It was great, if sometimes a little cheesy. (I refused to participate in the all-camp sing-along, for example.) The kids had a great time in age group activities, and we all had fun taking advantage of all the camp had to offer. Clare especially loved the water trampoline in the (freezing) lake. She's on it in this picture, and poor Ben is floating in the lake to supervise. The kids also got up every morning and participated in Little Dippers, which involved running into the lake at 7:30 a.m. I did it a few times, and it was actually invigorating. We want to go back next year. |
We had some bad weather, including hail! |
Sunset paddle. |
Camper. |
Reading together during a storm. |
In the Art Barn. |
Onto 4th of July! We had all of our annual events in Evansville, minus the fireworks, which were cancelled because of storms. Here, Christopher is warming up for the 1 mile run. He finished first of the participating cousins. Clare carried Otto on her back for most of the run. |
Parade! |
Flag cake! |
Pool to themselves! |
We went for lunch at Noodles and all read our books. I just love that the kids love reading as much as I do. |
Soccer player. |
I read my book while the kids went down water slides at Jim Lupient in Minneapolis. I also read my book while the kids went on water slides at Bunker Beach in the north suburbs. I basically read my books all over Minnesota (and Wisconsin) this summer. |
Ben and I snuck away for a Twins (Brewers?) game with my sister and brother-in-law. |
Clare went to sleep away Girl Scout camp again this year. I was worried because she was a bit younger than the other girls in her bunk (who looked like full-fledged teens), but in typical Clare style she made friends with everyone and had a great time. |
While she was gone, I took Christopher for root beer floats. He also participated in an engineering camp at the Works Museum, which he loved. |
We went back to Lake Superior (one of my favorite places on Earth), with Ben's parents. We stayed in a lovely cabin and had a relaxing time. Ben and I even went on a 9 mile hike one morning. |
Hiking at Cascade River. |
In Grand Marais. I would argue they are the world's second best donuts (after our local donut shop). |
Ben and I took Christopher with us when we went to a local winery. The wine was not good. |
Clare and I had a mother-daughter outing, complete with chocolate cake. |
Mini golf! |
I got a hole in one, which they recorded in chalk. |
Ice cream in Duluth on our way home. |
Clare went to a daycamp, and Christopher and I went out to lunch. |
The only shot from our friends camping trip in Bear Head Lake State Park, near Ely. We had a great time - no bugs, mostly good weather. |
Our London family came to visit! We spent a week at my parents' house, and a week at a cabin near Hayward. It was so good to have that time together. |
State Fair! It was fun to be back after a two year break, but it was hot. The kids had a great time. |
They even entered a butter carving contest and won state fair ribbons! |
They became obsessed with the "spinny wheels" where they could win prizes. Christopher got this great bandana from the MPR booth. |
Little Farmhands. Clare will do this until she is stopped. |
Clare and I had a lunch date at Cafe Latte and toured the James J. Hill house over Labor Day weekend. It was fun to have that time together before she started middle school. |
We had friends over for an end of summer party. Clare dyed her hair blue. |
These kids have known each other most of their lives. |