A few weeks ago, Christopher asked me to stay upstairs while he prepared something for me downstairs. I could hear him moving around and dishes clinking together. When I was finally allowed downstairs, I saw that he had made us each a glass of grape kool aid, blown up a balloon and decorated it with hearts, and set up the board game Clue for us to play. "It's the mommy appreciation project!" he announced. It was very sweet.
It is days like that when I think maybe I am doing something right as a parent. Or, maybe he would be sweet anyway and I have nothing to do with it. The other day he convinced me to let him do screen time early by laying his head on my shoulder and batting his eyes at me. I later heard him tell Clare that he used his "cuteness" to get what he wanted. So yes, he knows how to manipulate his mother.
Both kids are back in school. It is going so well. They are so much happier. So full of energy. I can tell they are learning way more than they did during distance learning. The teachers at their school have all had their first round of vaccines, which is great. I keep waiting for the dreaded email, though, that one of the kids has to quarantine. I am trying to enjoy my time while it lasts.
Speaking of vaccines, many VIPs in our lives have gotten them! Including one Daddy Hey Ben, as Clare used to call him. I won't be getting mine until summer, but I am happy other people are getting them.
Clare is immersed in selling Girl Scout cookies. I am busy with that as well, because I am the "Cookie Mom" for the Troop. She is not shy at all about going door to door, even to houses where she doesn't know people. I hated that as a kid and only sold cookies one year. I just admire her courage and confidence so much. I hope she keeps it through her teenage years.
She is also playing soccer and is still taking piano lessons. I am glad I signed her up for Zoom lessons, because as much as we love and miss her regular teacher, she has made great progress with her new teacher.
The kids got in a few days of skating in January and February. Ben took them while I hid out at home.
We spent two weeks in January at my parents' house. It felt so good to get away. We took the kids to the zoo in Madison, and it was so fun. We were basically the only people there. We also went sledding, and the kids have been sledding around here, too, including a few outings with their cousins.
This weekend felt like an explosion of plans. I went on a walk with my friend. We had a class play date (outside, masked) with Christopher's class where I got to talk to people in person. I saw a friend who I hadn't seen in person since October when we sat by a fire on another friend's deck. Katie and Josie came over to pick up Girl Scout cookies and we visited while Josie and Christopher played. It was crazy to see so many people in such a short time.
This time last year we still didn't know what was coming. We should have, but we didn't. I re-read what I wrote, and I mentioned Covid and being worried about it, but mostly I was just happy that the days were getting longer. We were just busy with normal life. Well, fast forward one year and I am once again mostly just happy that the days are getting longer. And we are busy with life, even if life doesn't look anything like it did last year. On to March. Who knows what it will bring.
Christopher attending his friend Matt's Zoom birthday party. |
My parents' backyard. |
Clare and Meema Jo chatting outside. |
Playing Detective with Baba's hats. |
Having fun with Baba Ralph. |
Clare made me breakfast one morning. |
Skating! |
Goofballs on the way to Evansville. |
At the zoo. |
More zoo. |
Attempting to sled, even though the snow was super deep and powdery. |
First day of in-person school for Christopher. |
Clare and I had a fun two weeks while he was back in school. We did a mail order mystery game, and got take out from a few restaurants. Clare decorated the dining room to look like each restaurant so we could pretend we were there. We even played restaurant background noise on my phone. (You can find anything on the internet.) |
Super Bowl party! I wasn't there, because I was in La Crosse, but Ben made quite the spread. |
We had a Valentine's Day party, and Clare decorated the cake! The party was just the four of us, but it helped make the day more special. |
Girl Scout! |
Dueling screens. |