Christopher, somehow, is seven.
I was looking over what I wrote last year on his birthday, and not much has changed. (Other than the entire world, but for Christopher, not much has changed. I guess it is nice to have one constant.)
One new thing - he is joining Scouts. He is very excited about this. I am not sure how much they'll be able to do right now, but hopefully it will be a chance for him to interact with some peers.
Christopher is still very empathetic and sweet. When we were talking about joining Scouts, I expressed surprise about how much more expensive it is than Girl Scouts. Christopher thought it was way too much money. "That's okay," he said. "I don't have to do it since it costs so much." I assured him I was willing to pay.
He still loves to laugh and to entertain. If he enjoys a joke he will tell it to everyone he knows. Literally everyone.
He has a huge vocabulary, and sometimes it is funny to hear these giant words coming out of his mouth. Especially since he still has some trouble pronouncing the "r" sound. (He met with the Speech Therapist this year, who said he doesn't make enough errors to qualify for services - we'll reevaluate at the end of this school year.)
He enjoys reading. His favorite books right now are the Dogman and Gerald and Piggie series. Clare is reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets to Christopher and their grandma (virtually). It is a nice time for all three of them. Christopher loved the first one in the Harry Potter series, which Clare also read to him.
Clare and Christopher are on a rollercoaster together - sometimes they love playing together and sometimes they fight like crazy. This has always been true, but it is especially true now that they spend so much time together.
Christopher has made a new friend in his class, Theo. Theo happens to be Clare's best friend's younger brother, so this works out well. I think we may pod with them over the winter so the kids can play together inside.
Christopher loves baking, and creates his own recipes. He made a chocolate cake with orange zest without a recipe that turned out surprisingly well. I am giving him a kids' baking book for his birthday that I hope he'll enjoy.
Some favorites at seven: transformers (yes, still), Legos, Minecraft, Minecraft, Minecraft, reading, playing basketball, Taekwondo (over Zoom), Odd Squad, Wild Kratts, Transformer cartoons, board games, fruit, and snuggling.
Some dislikes: Distance Learning (this has been a major challenge for both of us), broccoli, yellow rice, bugs, brushing his teeth (why), and COVID (he says it's a party pooper. Yes, Christopher, it certainly is.)
Also, according to a writing activity he just completed for school, his likes include pizza, pancakes, macaroni and cheese and oranges. His dislikes include being scared, dressing up like a princess, broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes.
For his birthday, Christopher asked if we could go camping. I am glad we have our new pop-up, because it is going to be chilly. Our normal camping friends are coming with us, which will be great. We are also having a family party with my sister and her family on Sunday. Unfortunately, that party can't include Ben's parents. I will be making a strawberry cake and we are ordering pizza. I hope he has a great birthday weekend. He has been asking Alexa how many days there are until his birthday since July.
Happy birthday to my most favorite boy in the world. We love you so much!
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"I like oranges because they are tasty." "I don't like brokaly (sic) because they are not tasty." |