Why do these two months always feel so long? Luckily, the sun has shone its face again for several days in a row. I am happy to be heading toward the end of winter. (Even though I know we could still have more snow and more cold for several more weeks.)
We started the year with some warm weather when we traveled to Fort Myers Beach, Florida. It was a lovely trip. The only sad thing was that my brother and his family had to cancel their trip at the last minute because of some health concerns. (Everyone is fine.) We missed them a lot, but will get to see them later this year.
My sister and her family and my parents did make the trip with us. We had a great time in the pool, at the beach, eating key lime pie, drinking wine and just enjoying each other's company. Ben and I took the kids to the Everglades. We saw alligators, dolphins, manatees and lots of birds. The kids had a great time. Clare got to go on a one-on-one mini golf trip with her Baba Ralph, and Ben and I saw a the new Star Wars. We also got to visit Ben's Aunt Diane and Uncle Randy, who moved to Fort Myers last year. We stayed at the same house we stayed in the last few times we've gone. We even had fun the day we tried to have a picnic on the beach and were attacked by a flock of seagulls. Picture this: Clare running screaming down the beach, my mom trying to shoo the seagulls away with a towel, my sister standing there holding a sandwich, watching while a seagull took the sandwich right out of her hand. Christopher, Josie and Otto all crying. Katie and I laughing so hard we can't move. Meanwhile, the guys bike up the beach to witness this, wondering what in the heck is happening. (Christopher performed a brief reenactment that night at dinner: "It was like: caw caw. Ahhhhh!"
After Florida we had to get back into the school routine. The kids had three weeks off in a row (Christmas break plus our trip) and let me tell you it was not fun trying to get them back into school mode. Especially Christopher, who struggled for weeks with having to get up early again. I am happy to say that everyone seems to be back on track, finally. Of course, by the laws of nature and the internet something will now happen to throw everything off course again. Probably the flu, which is running rampant through the kids' school. Or more likely, the Coronavirus, which is currently number one in my Cycle of Worry(TM pending).
Clare and I went on her Girl Scout winter camping trip. (We slept inside a lodge, not in tents.) She had a blast, and I only stayed one night, so I was happy about that. I hosted my friend Peggy's birthday dinner the next night, so I left early. That was a fun activity, too. Clare had fun cross country skiing, playing games (which mostly seemed to involve the girls running around screaming) and visiting with a sled dog team.
It was Oscar movie season, which as I say every year, I enjoy because it gets me out of the house. I won the Oscar pool again for the third or fourth year in a row. Kerry is threatening to put peanuts in my food next year. I don't think she was serious, but I'll bring my epipen just in case. I didn't do my post about the the movies, but my favorite was Parasite and I am glad it won. I also really liked 1917 and Little Women. I did not like the Irishman. (I do like Irish men in general, though. Don't worry, Ben.)
I also had a weekend away at my dear friend Chelsea's cabin near Lake Vermillion. It was so fun to spend the weekend with some of my college friends - Jessica and Cindi were there, too. We have been friends for 22 years. (Cindi and I have known each other since 5th grade.) We drank lots of wine, went snowshoeing through the woods and hiking on the lake, and watched Magic Mike 2. (This movie is so bad, but there is one hysterically funny scene that we couldn't stop watching. If you've seen it you know which one I mean.) It was a wonderful weekend. I feel like I can breathe better in the northwoods, you know?
Other than that, we have been busy with normal life. Clare is selling Girl Scout cookies, which I always feel like I end up spending too much time coordinating. She does a lot too, though. We even drove out to Woodbury to deliver cookies to my former manager at Caribou. It was great to see him again after 20 years.
We have a few things planned for the next few weeks, but are mostly laying low until Spring Break. I am ready for Spring!
Skating on New Year's Day. |
I'm glad she doesn't play hockey. |
Cousins on the couch in Florida. |
Dolphins on a boat ride in the Everglades. |
Eating lunch in Everglade City. |
Reading signs. |
It's more fun to look at Mom than alligators. |
Clare with her headgear. |
Clare putting the kids to bed. |
Boys buried at the beach. |
She beat two out of three games. I should maybe be embarrassed, but I am just proud. |
Girl Scout camping. |
The view from Chelsea's cabin. |
My oldest friends on a frozen lake. |
Eating lunch at school with my buddy. |
It's Girl Scout cookie time! |
Dressed up to eat lunch with Daddy at work. |
Legoes on a Saturday. |