This summer had its ups and downs, but one thing I really appreciated was the current stage my children are in. I take them to the splash pad at Como Town. They play, I read my book. I take them to the park. They play, I read my book. They swim in the lake while on vacation. I read my book. You can see the pattern. Also, travelling with them is so much more relaxing. Everything is just easier, at least in terms of child maintenance duties.
That being said, school needed to start, like, four weeks ago. Especially for one Miss Clare, who is bored out of her skull and throwing tantrums to entertain herself. (I tried to keep her busy, but for the last few weeks even that hasn't been enough. I think next year I may stack all of their camps at the end of summer.)
And so, at the end of summer I am going back to the beginning, and posting an excessive number of photos. Here is Summer 2019!
Clare turns eight, with a melting Oreo blizzard cake. |
Annual pic with the peony. |
Relaxing...I love it that they both enjoy reading. Note: Christopher is not actually reading yet, but he likes to look at the pages. |
Early summer days at Wabun. |
Bell Museum. Christopher absolutely loves this place. He especially loves the touch lab, where he can feel animal pelts and see their bones. |
Our local Snuffy's closed this summer, sadly. |
Summer cuts and colorful hair. |
We take a trip to Como Town each summer. They both love rides. Maybe they will be ready for Valley Fair next summer? |
One of their favorite things this summer: Ninja camp! Clare worked very hard to make it up the warped wall. They both did great on the obstacles and had fun. |
We tried to go to Saints game, but got rained out. |
Part of my parents' backyard. We spent Ben's 40th birthday and the Fourth of July in Wisconsin. Ben and I are taking a trip to celebrate both of us turning 40 in a few weeks. (I am not yet 40, just to be clear.) |
Ice cream at the pool. What could be better? |
Runners with sun in their eyes. They both did great. Clare came in third for her age group for the mile. I think Ben might have placed, too, but I can't remember. That was two whole months ago! |
Tractors. Quintessential Wisconsin parade. |
Annual flag cake preparation. |
Goofball. |
We went on our annual friends' camping trip. This year, we camped at Jay Cooke State Park. It was really fun, as always. Lots of hiking, laughing, and S'mores.
Okay, I am having technical issues with the captioning. Anyway, above picture is from our last meal at Snuffy's. Sniff.
Clare went to a sleep-away Girl Scout camp! She had a blast. She barely said goodbye to me when I left, which is good, I guess. I may have cried. Then, when we got home Ben looked at his phone and saw that tornado had touched down about a mile from the camp. Yikes! Luckily, there was no damage at the camp. Clare wants to go to an even longer camp next year. She is a brave girl.
Now the captions are working again? Anyway, while Clare was having fun at camp, I took Christopher to a program at the planetarium at the Bell Museum. This was right up his alley. He even asked a question. I was in suspense about what he would say: "How did the asteroid belt form?" Good question, kiddo! |
The kids both did theater camp. Unsurprisingly, Christopher was into it. Clare, not so much. |
More swimming. |
One of many perfect summer days: a movie (Secret Life of Pets 2), then the park, complete with a visit from the ice cream truck. All with friends. What could be better? |
We had a reunion with old neighbors from Wisconsin. It was so fun - I've known them most of my life. We played lots of outdoor games and then ended the night at Surly. |
We went to a Saints Game. It rained. Again. But they played this time. |
My parents and I took these cousinz to see my Grandmother. She turned 96 last month! It was so nice to visit her. |
State Fair time! |
Scouting obstacle course. They are happy here, but Christopher cried when he got on top. He didn't realize how open it was. |
Ben and Clare had their annual day on their own, too. I took Christopher to Como Town. |
End of summer date night. We saw Mavis Staples and Brandi Carlisle. Both were awesome. Also awesome? The garlic fries. |
We closed out summer with our annual Labor Day BBQ with friends. And now school has started. It is always kind of bittersweet, especially since I have an almost kindergartner.