Saturday, August 25, 2018

June and July, in Pictures

Even though it feels like a black hole opened up and swallowed this summer whole, the pictures on my phone say otherwise.

Annual photo taken at the Lock and Dam on the Mississippi in June.

Out for ice cream to celebrate Clare's 7th birthday.
Friends at a last day of school party at our house.
Trip to the Minnesota Zoo. The kids are not that excited about the zoo anymore, so I will be dropping our membership.
Blurry Christopher, Clare, Natalie and Elsie at Clare's birthday party at the Mall of America. They had a blast, although Clare wanted to go on a lot more rides than her friends were willing to. She has a lot of fears, but rides are not one of them.
At Rock the Garden in June. It was hot, but there was cold beer, good music and great friends.

My formally nervous swimmer jumps off the diving board.

All of the swimming lessons buddies celebrate the end of lessons at Snuffy's. Clare and Christopher both passed into the next level.
After the annual Fourth of July race in Evansville. Clare ran the mile in about 9 minutes.
The small town 4th of July parade. Christopher did a dance for everyone to try to get more candy. It worked - they are still eating the parade candy. I will throw it out before Halloween.
There are about 100 tractors in the parade. Wisconsin at it's finest.
Clare went to Camp DayCroix through the YMCA. She loved it. Christopher will go next year, too.
This is what I did while Christopher took a class at the Children's Theatre in Minneapolis.

This is what Christopher did during class. Christopher loved his class, to say the least. It was pirate-themed and his name was, fittingly, Big Skull Christopher. I think theater might be in his future.

Case in point: Clare did the zip line at Como Town.
They both enjoyed our annual day at Como Town. We skipped the animals and just focused on rides.
It was a nice day.
There was ice cream.
Meema Mary Theresa and Clare on the shores of Lake Superior. We spent a few days with my in-laws in a condo just north of Two Harbors. It was beautiful and calming. The condo was on the lake, and the views were stunning. I love Lake Superior., and the trip happened at a time when I definitely needed some peace.
Hiking at Tettegouche State Park.
Ben and Christopher on the suspension bridge.
Clare and Ben on the breakwall in Two Harbors.
Captain Christopher.
The kids and their grandpa in the condo pool.
Exploring at Gooseberry Falls.
We were there for the saddest of reasons, but we took the kids to see a few things. Clare loved seeing the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London.

Clare participating in a street show in Convent Garden.
Clare holding her cousin Marios for the first time on our last night in England. 


  1. Looks like a (mostly fun) action-packed summer! So glad we had an opportunity to hang out one day. xo

  2. Did you know your Grandpa Bob was in a ton of high school plays?
