Tuesday, January 28, 2025

2024 Part One: Winter/Spring

Oh, 2024, what to say about you. There was good stuff and pretty bad stuff. Some stuff happened that will lead to even more really bad stuff. I can't control any of that, and I am trying not to let it steal my joy. 

I'm not sure how much I'll remember from early last year, but I thought it would be fun to reminisce with a few (or more) photos from each month.


We started the year with a quick trip to Duluth: train museum, aquarium, Glensheen Mansion, walking by Lake Superior, hotel pool, shopping in Canal Park, pizza and Food Network.

Shortly after this picture was taken Christopher confessed that he put his entire foot in the lake and it was soaking wet. (He was trying to retrieve his Mitten, which was also in the lake. Oh Christopher.)

Cherry was happy to see us when we got home from Duluth.

Clare and I attended a Gopher Women Gymnastic meet. She is still scared of Goldy Gopher.

Christopher's favorite part of the Science Museum.

I went on a Reading Retreat at my friend's cabin near Spooner, Wisconsin. We read all day, drank wine and chatted. It was amazing. (We didn't drink all of that wine.)


Clare before (or maybe after) her winter school dance.

Last winter was mild, but Clare still got to take her first downhill ski lesson. No surprise here, she loved it. She is hoping to go again this year.

Noodles lunch. The kids love Noodles. I like it less.

Josie and Christopher at our annual Super Bowl/Valentine's Day Party. (We always order heart-shaped pizzas and have a funfetti cake. Plus lots of snacks.)

Being weirdos on a visit to the Cuckoo House.
I got to visit Christopher at school for a reading event. It makes me so happy that both kids love to read as much as I do.


Okay, for some reason the photos are now importing out of order. So we'll start with the end of March.

Easter at the Cuckoo House!

Clare made it to Regionals for History Day, much to her dismay. (She chose her type of project because she knew a lot of people would do them, which would reduce her chances of moving on. It didn't work.) She hated it, but she worked hard on her project about the BWCA and won an Honorable Mention ribbon. She was relieved not to make it to the State competition.

Christopher at the Pinewood Derby for Cub Scouts.

Christopher working hard on a fun school field trip to Biz Town. He was working as an insurance adjuster.

Dinner at our local.


We took a family trip to Wausau at the beginning of April - we met Meema and Baba and the local cousins and stayed in a hotel and went out to eat - and Christopher walked around town reading a book.

The four of us went to our friends' cabin over spring break. We had a great time eating, drinking and going to a distillery and the shops in town.

I also haven't laughed this hard since then.

Another school dance!

I went to Sauna Camp on a lake with friends. It is open all winter, but we went for the April session. The lake was still frigid. It was wonderfully refreshing.

Clare in costume as Tina-Louise. She was great in the school play!


The start of baseball season!

Clare made a delicious home cooked meal for Ben and my wedding anniversary. Also, dessert!

Mother's Day breakfast in bed.

Christopher with his project at the spring project Fair.

At a St. Paul Saint's game.

This may look like a warm sunny day at the beach, but don't be fooled. This is Lake Superior in May. Air temp: 45 degrees. Water temp: 40 degrees. Yes, they both went under.

We were in Grand Marais with friends. Their cabin is just north of town. We brought our camper and had a fun weekend together.

Christopher plus goat.

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