Wednesday, September 6, 2017

First Day of First Grade

Clare was so ready to go back to school this year. She was ready long before the bus came, and she was quite put out when I told her she had to wait awhile for the bus.  I was able to distract her with the homemade banana bread I'd baked the night before. It's our back to school tradition. I also left a note in her lunch wishing her luck.

She has a new teacher this year, and the class is a combination of first, second and third graders. I was a bit nervous about the large age difference at first, but like I've said before, she usually plays with older kids when we are with our friends. (Two of her best friends, Nora and James, are third graders.) We visited her classroom last week. It was very cozy and welcoming.  I am impressed with her teacher so far. He is communicates with parents a lot, which is something I appreciate. (He even sent us an email after the first day of school letting us know how her day went. How he finds the time to email all of the parents I don't know. He said that Clare was very eager to learn and a hard worker.)

Her bus was late returning home at the end of the day, and Christopher and Josie spent 25 minutes staring out the window waiting for it. When I asked Clare what took so long, she said the driver couldn't find our house and she had to give him directions. I am wondering how clear her directions were.

She got to play with old classmates at recess, and I am happy she gets to see her old friends.

So far, so good this school year. Christopher starts preschool next week!


  1. They grow up so fast! And she looks so excited. Maisy and Mason found each other on the playground yesterday and I think Mason is pretty excited to have her around...

  2. She is so precocious, she's going to do great in a multi-age group setting! I did multi-age group in elementary for 4/5/6 and loved it. I felt challenged and learned a lot!
