Monday, May 22, 2017

Conversations with Christopher

I am entertained almost daily by Christopher's little gems. These may not be entertaining to anyone else, but I can't resist writing them down so I remember them.

In a running monologue to Ben's co-worker:

"I lost Super Grover at Aunt Ann's. And Meema and Baba were there. Are there more dogs on the pages? I have a belly button, and you have a belly button and Clare has a belly button and Mommy has a belly button." (Proceeds to try to lift up my shirt.)


Me: Christopher, what are you eating?
Christopher: A leaf.
Me: Why are you eating a leaf?
Christopher: Because I need my dinosaur.


Me: You don't have to eat all of that if you're full.
Christopher: I will be a yellow balloon.


Christopher, out of nowhere: There are no poop stations in this town!

Later the same day: Why are there so many colors in this teeny tiny town?


Me: Do you know who you're named after?
Christopher: I am Orange Exley!


Me: I need you to come here and go potty.
Christopher: But I am a building inspector!


Christopher: Meema Jo, you have that Meema Jo laugh. It just makes me want to laugh.


Christopher: See how on this side the rabbit has an arm? It doesn't on the other side anymore.
Meema Jo: Why not?
Christopher: I broke it off.


Christopher: I need to eat food so I have energy to dust and breathe fire.


Christopher: (in a pained voice) I have a throat...

And here is Christopher pretending to be a statue, one of his favorite things to do.

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